Sample Answer for almost any town/city on the Ordnance Survey Map
Using evidence from the Ordnance Survey map of __________________ identify and explain three reasons why it developed at this location. (30 marks)
Site and Situation
The town of ____________________ is located on land that slopes from __________m to ________m in a N/S/E/W direction. The town has currently grown to approx ________km2 over the years. The area appears to be well drained due to the absence of lakes or large rivers nearby. The town itself is developed at the bridging point of the River _____________ at grid reference _______________________. The site appears to be gently sloping as there is a rise/fall in gradient of _______ m per ___________m. This may have favoured the development of the town at this location. The highest area of relief on the map is _______m above sea level at ____________________ which is __________ km to the N/S/E/W of this town. These mountains may provide shelter but does not prevent development. The town may also have developed as a market centre where farmers from surrounding low lying areas and the flood plains of the river _________________ travelled to the town to sell their produce and buy supplies. Over time the town developed into the important settlement it appears to be today.
Route focus
The town of _________________________ developed at this location because it is the focus of several routes. Towns develop at these points because it makes them assessable and increases the amount and profitability of trade. 3/4/5 classes of road meet in the town. These include the National Primary route the N_______ which connects the N/S/E/W directions, the regional routes of the R________ and the R_______ and several third class routes. A rail line also passes through the town from a N/S/E/W direction to a N/S/E/W direction. There is a station at ___________________ which caters for passengers to and from this town.
(If there are any ferry points or airports visible near the town name and give a grid reference for each and say how it may have led to the further development of this town.)
Centre of services
_______________________ continued to develop at this location after its original settlement because it has become a services centre. Map evidence suggests some of the earliest settlement may have been the area of ______________________ where the following settlement antiquities are found ______________________________________________________________. Nowadays the town provides a variety of services such as the hospital at __________________________(health care), schools at ____________________ and _____________________ (education) and the railway station _______________________ (transport). Evidence of recreational services include the racecourse at ___________________________, the sports stadium at _________________________ and boating activities at ____________________________ (some of these may or may not appear so if there is evidence of any other centre make sure you note it). Tourism is catered for with an information office (regular or irregular opening hours??) at _________________________, a hostel (what type?) at ________________________ and a caravan / camping site at __________________________. (Again if there are golf courses, parking or viewpoints mention them too).
This variety of services is an important reason for the development of the town of _____________________ at this location as they may attract visitors to the town and provide a variety of jobs for its local population as well as creating employment in industries that cater for each of the above (food, entertainment, laundry etc).
Site and Situation
The town of ____________________ is located on land that slopes from __________m to ________m in a N/S/E/W direction. The town has currently grown to approx ________km2 over the years. The area appears to be well drained due to the absence of lakes or large rivers nearby. The town itself is developed at the bridging point of the River _____________ at grid reference _______________________. The site appears to be gently sloping as there is a rise/fall in gradient of _______ m per ___________m. This may have favoured the development of the town at this location. The highest area of relief on the map is _______m above sea level at ____________________ which is __________ km to the N/S/E/W of this town. These mountains may provide shelter but does not prevent development. The town may also have developed as a market centre where farmers from surrounding low lying areas and the flood plains of the river _________________ travelled to the town to sell their produce and buy supplies. Over time the town developed into the important settlement it appears to be today.
Route focus
The town of _________________________ developed at this location because it is the focus of several routes. Towns develop at these points because it makes them assessable and increases the amount and profitability of trade. 3/4/5 classes of road meet in the town. These include the National Primary route the N_______ which connects the N/S/E/W directions, the regional routes of the R________ and the R_______ and several third class routes. A rail line also passes through the town from a N/S/E/W direction to a N/S/E/W direction. There is a station at ___________________ which caters for passengers to and from this town.
(If there are any ferry points or airports visible near the town name and give a grid reference for each and say how it may have led to the further development of this town.)
Centre of services
_______________________ continued to develop at this location after its original settlement because it has become a services centre. Map evidence suggests some of the earliest settlement may have been the area of ______________________ where the following settlement antiquities are found ______________________________________________________________. Nowadays the town provides a variety of services such as the hospital at __________________________(health care), schools at ____________________ and _____________________ (education) and the railway station _______________________ (transport). Evidence of recreational services include the racecourse at ___________________________, the sports stadium at _________________________ and boating activities at ____________________________ (some of these may or may not appear so if there is evidence of any other centre make sure you note it). Tourism is catered for with an information office (regular or irregular opening hours??) at _________________________, a hostel (what type?) at ________________________ and a caravan / camping site at __________________________. (Again if there are golf courses, parking or viewpoints mention them too).
This variety of services is an important reason for the development of the town of _____________________ at this location as they may attract visitors to the town and provide a variety of jobs for its local population as well as creating employment in industries that cater for each of the above (food, entertainment, laundry etc).